martes, 26 de febrero de 2013

greek debate conclusions

On the debate of the greeks we talk about the vices ,virtudes and some moral dilemas.

the greeks have many virtudes and also they have vives or things where not well for example :                          1) in sparta they take the children over 7 years and take them to fight but they don't give them very good resourses them to be stronger and confortable

2) they think that the women were inferior that the true love was a man with another man.

3) also the greek culture is represent in the gods because they create their own gods based on their culture, a bad example is that the greeks don't care about with who they get married or have childs ect ... for example Zeus he married his sister and have a daughter with his sister Demeter so it can be an example.

4) Also they divide themselfs by social classes so I think that if they said they have justice they should desappear the social classes so all people be the same no inferior.

5) Also they where city states and that didn't let them to be a united country and produce wars between them


but also the greeks leave us very good things to us like :

1 the architecture : RThey have a beautiful and modern architecture
 the art :
The literature